Saturday, October 5, 2019

Are We Free within Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Are We Free within Society - Essay Example So it is really the males who allow for such gender bias? The actual question that hangs is â€Å"Do men have more freedom than women that allows them to dominate?† Unfortunately, it is our society that has given more freedom to men than to women. As we know, a society is built upon from its historical backgrounds and contains similar values and beliefs for a very long time. Our historical background, unfortunately, has held women in the background while men have always taken the center stage. The examples cited above are enough to remind us that women have been an oppressed segment of our society. Being physically weaker has left them good for lesser professions and, home and child-rearing have become their most accepted professions. Mary Wollstonecraft a famous British philosopher and feminist went on to say that â€Å"The grand source of female folly and vice has ever appeared to me to arise from narrowness of mind, and the very constitution of civil governments has put almost insuperable obstacles in the way to prevent the cultivation of the female understanding† [4]. Bearing the emotional characteristic, have left them untrustworthy of emotion enduring jobs. They have been subjected to this stereotype from the very beginning and it is this same stereotype that women have to face in our present society. Many modern machines have helped beat some of the stereotypes especially of physically weaker as it now requires only a part of the masculine resources, and if the minimum demanded is not above the female’s capacity, they can be considered as man’s equal [1]. Efforts to escape this charade have been welcomed in most quarters but it will be many years until women can truly turn the tables on men. A society consists of people from all walks of life. The rich, poor, young, old, working, non-working, colored, non-colored etc all are part of the society.  

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